Search Results
Jessica Sullivan: "A practical approach to teaching reproducibility & improving your own research"
Fernando Hoces de la Guardia: How to Teach Reproducibility in the Classroom (BITSS)
Phil McAleer: "Creating a curriculum centered on reproducible research for future Psychologists"
Sam Parsons: “FORRT: Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training”
OHBM Australian Chapter Webinar: The Reproducibility Crisis -Problems, Challenges, and Solutions
ASA NSC 2017 Michael Avidan The Crisis of Reproducibility in Scientific Research
Elisabet Blok | How senior academics can support reproducible & open research | #OpenResearchFuture
Why Open Science?
CHDH Seminar: Is preregistration worthwhile? — Chris Donkin
Fostering an Inclusive and Equitable Academy via Open Science
Prof Louise Connell | Conflicts and complexities on the path to open data
Reproducible Data, Reproducible Analyses: a Model for Clinical Laboratory Data Use (Stephen Master)